Wednesday 10 June 2015

Short bio and some achievements

At present I am officially retired, and quite happy to be out of daily tram tram of university work - but available for talks and comments and recommendations and possibly even some writings, if the topic intrigues me. At the outset of my life as a researcher and university teacher (hate calling it a career as I'm not really interested in careers and never was) I did replacements for somebody on a research leave, taught some courses, and then worked as a researcher in a variety of projects.   Between 2007 - 2014 I was a project manger at the Pori Department of Art and Media of the Helsinki University of Art and Design/ School of Art, Design and Architecture of Aalto University. Between 2015 - 2020 I was a senior lecturer in urban studies and cultural theory in Department of Art in Aalto University, and project manager for the Pori Urban Platform of Aalto University.  

I was and am a researcher and an intellectual activist whose academic background is in social sciences, but who has through her career engaged in trans-disciplinary projects and extra-academic activities. I'm especially interested in issues of space and place – construction of social space, urban spatial practices, spatial interventions, everyday material existence of human beings. My interests range from philosophy and social theory to children’s books and fantasy fandoms – from theoretical experimentation to collaboration in artistic and extra-academic projects. I love winter swimming and walking with my dogs. And my family, which extends far.

My doctoral thesis The City is the Place of Man (Kaupunki on ihmisen koti 1999) discussed the significance of urban form of life as fundamental to human beings both theoretically and materially. I have written academic articles and papers on issues of space, and lectured on thinkers who have touched the topic, such as Walter Benjamin, Michel Serres, Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Michel De Certeau etc. I have also worked on joint artistic projects on urban space, such as “Wormholes”, which experimented with the hybridization of material and sc. virtual urban space, or “Welcome to Urban Space” that brought academic activities into semi-public urban space to study their mutual effects on each other. I have curated the contemporary art event for World of Tango festival 2014 in Tampere together with Annu Wilenius. And I’ve participated in projects that seek to occupy urban space differently, from extra-academic study circles on the global metropolis to discussions organized in (semi)public spaces.

My interests involve artistic intervention in urban space as means of artistic research and university teaching, about which I've also published a book with  Anna Jensen and Denise Ziegler; and study of "scholart" as a phenomenon with Max Ryynänen who coined the concept. My ongoing scholart project is titled "Park Art", a series of mobile photographs where site and situation come together, combinations of sc. accidental art and and a moment of experiencing it, images in the mind and images taken and for the time being published in my Facebook account as an album.

I was also involved in the management of Pori Urban Platform of Aalto. PUPA was a flexible experimental project platform that made it possible for the units and programs of Aalto University to execute multidisciplinary study projects, research projects or other productions, also in collaboration with local partners in Pori and Satakunta. Within PUPA I have participated in a research and development project Elävä Pori/ Pori Live which studied how lived cultural knowledge of urban space can be made visible and used in urban development, and hope to continue with this subject in future projects. A pity Aalto University did not see the platform worth continuing beyond my retirement, despite its exceptional productivity.

Information about my teaching can be found in my Online Portfolio

Some interesting projects I've worked in

Pelastetaan Tartonpuisto ja Uudenkylänpuisto. A non-registered NGO and movement founded in 2023 to preserve two neighbourhood parks from massive urban development. The movement has an FB group and collected a petition signed by over 2200 people so far.

I'm really happy to have been one of three editors, together with Saara Hacklin and Harri Laakso, to have prepared Annu Wilenius' doctoral thesis "Nomadic Science Fiction: Experiencing Diversity and Alterity Through Urbanising Mongolia" for publication after her untimely death. Aalto University Publication series Art+Design+Architecture 3/2021 Aalto ARTS Books. 

Elävä Pori - innovatiivinen yhteisöllinen tiedonmuodostus kaupunkitilan kestävän kehityksen resurssina. Pori Live – innovative collaborative inquiry as a resource for sustainable development of urban space. EAKR funding 1.2.2015 - 31.1.2018. Department of Art, Pori Urban Platform of Aalto Univeristy PUPA. Elävä Pori website

Creative Alternatives CreA EAKR funding 1.1.2011 – 31.5.2013; Visuaalinen kulttuuri ja luovan talouden uudet vaihtoehdot Vilkku EAKR funding Department of Art, Pori Unit of Aalto University 1.6.2013 – 31.12.2014.

Arjen yhteisöjen digitalisoituvat käytännöt ADIK (Tekes); Enabling Community Communications Platforms and Applications EnComPas (Tekes/Celtic); Intelligent Cities for the Next Generation ICING (6. Puiteohjelma EU). Medialab, University of Art and Design 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006

“Communicating Urban Growth and Green Greenscom. Assessment of Planning concepts and Policy Instruments for Sustainable Development of the Urban Landscape." Coordinator Alterra, Netherlands; Finnish partner Department of Urban Planning Helsinki University of Technology 1.4. – 1.8. – 31.12.2000 and 1.7.2001 – 31.12.2001

”Scenarios for Sustainable Technology – Car transport systems in the city”. Coordinator Trinity College, Dublin; Finnish partner Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy of University of Jyväskylä 1.7.1998 – 30.9.1999

Some works I'm proud of

”Arkipäivän fasismi” Teos ”Totuus Suomesta” näyttelyssä Kallio Kunsthalle Helsinki 2. – 23.6.2017  8. – 16.7.2017 Puuvillanpuisto Pori; sekä installaatio Elävä Pori Toimisto Pori 10. - 13.7.2017; ja teos ”Totuus Suomesta” katalogissa.

”Experimental Event V / Kokeellinen tapahtuma V”, Pori 7. – 8.4.2017. Curators Juha Hilpas, Anna Jensen &Taina Rajanti.

”Interventioita Poriin - Aalto-yliopisto kaupungin katukuvassa 2003 – 2015. Tekoja, teoksia ja kokeellisia projekteja julkisessa tilassa” installation with Anna Jensen and Denise Ziegler in the  Art @ the Heart of the City exhibition Pori Art Museum 16.9.2016 – 29.1.2017

”Free Gallery Klein” – Scholart performance and  video with Max Ryynänen 16.6.2016 Berliini, Tiergarten 

Park Art on the Move. Installation in Gallery Klein and Elävä Pori toimisto. 19. - 26.1.2016

”Elävä Pori Toimisto” an experimental space, a Gesamntkunstwerk and a project of artistic research with Anna Jensen and Denise Zieglerin 5.7.2015 –

”Invitations”, installation and video with Sari Kivimäki Scholart 0. exhibition 14. – 21.11.2014 Art House, Otaniemi.

World of Tango-festival Contemporary Art event ”Maailman laidalla”/ Edge of the World, joint curator with Annu Wilenius 4. – 30.9.2014 Tampere

”Geometry of the Multitude” Experimental Event 3 24. – 25.10.2013 Pori

”Museopedagoginen kääpiö”/ Museopedagogical Dwarf ” Experimental Event 2.” 4.-5.10.2012 Pori.

"Metroporis - the city as a space for creative work" Experimental lecture. ”Experimental Event” 29. – 30.9.2011 Pori

”Mikroakatemia”/ Micro Academy Mikroacademy mediates small learning needs and hopeful teachers in Tampere Micro-office open 13.8 – 13.9, Portable office 7. – 13.9. Tampereen Arkkitehtuuriviikot 7. – 13.9.2009. Elina Alatalo, Kaisu Kuusela, Mikko Lipiäinen and Taina Rajanti.

”Tervetuloa kaupunkitilaan” Welcome to Urban Space Experimental research, artistic and study project in Pori indoor markethall. 1. – 31.5.2009. Annamari Ahonen, Pia Euro, Taina Rajanti.

"Keskusteluja kaupunkitilassa"/ Conversations in Urban Space: series of public discussions in public spaces to experiment with occupying urban space for new functions. 10.12.2007 - 29.4.2008. Taina Rajanti, Eetu Viren, Sampo Villanen.

Madonreiät/ Wormholes. Encounters of virtual and physical urban space. Tampere 5.3. and Helsinki 15.3., performance at Pikseliähky/ Pixelache 2008. Taina Rajanti, Mikko Lipiäinen, Elina Alatalo, Kaisu Närhi, Jussi Koitela, Timo Bredenberg, Johannes Vartola.

And publications that are me - no classification according to academic merit

Työstäkieltäytymistä ihmiset on tehneet niin kauan kuin työ on ollut kontrollin ja pakottamisen väline. Teoksessa Eurooppa kieltäytyy työstä, toim. Lasse Poser, Ilona Raivio, Henri Salonen. Khaos Publishing 2023. pp 355 - 365.

Tilapäinen taide kaupunkikehittäjänä – mikä voisi mennä pieleen? Anna Jensen & Taina Rajanti. Porin Yliopistokeskuksen Säikeitä 2018, 26.3.2018

Interventio kaupunkitilaan – kokeellinen interventio taiteellisen tutkimuksen ja korkeakouluopetuksen välineenä. Intervention to Urban Space – Experimental Intervention as a Tool for Artistic Research and University Teaching. Jensen, Anna, Rajanti, Taina & Ziegler Denise. Arts Books. Aalto-yliopisto. 2018. Also available online

Object Food. In FOOD and Other Practices in the Arthouse. ViCCA Journal 2017. Eds Ali Akbar Mehta and Vidha Saumya. Master’s Degree Program in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art.

Officially unpublished writings in my Online Writings by Taina Rajanti

Teaching as a Work of Art. Pia Euro, Taina Rajanti, Max Ryynänen. Synnyt 2/2015 Synnyt / ISSN 1795-4843, pp 41 - 61.

Opetus teoksena – mitä on PoPeda? Pia Euro ja Taina Rajanti, Mustekala 2/14 VOL55

”Travels in time, Space and Intensity” Taina Rajanti & Annu Wilenius. ”Nature and the City. Beauty is taking a new form.” Yearbook of the International Association for Aesthetics 2013 Proceedings of the Bologna conference.

Against Utopias. Teoksessa Bare House. Edited by Annu Wilenius. Pori Art Museum. Tammerprint 2011

“Capitalism and Aisthesis – Life, Appearance and Art in Walter Benjamin’s work”. 18th International Congress of Aesthetics Beijing 9. – 13.8.2010

Koditon koti. Teoksessa Kotia paikantamassa. Toim Anni Vilkko, Asko Suikkanen ja Johanna Järvinen-Tassopoulos. Lup/ Lapin Yliopistokustannus. 2010

"Wormholes as a new spatial paradigm: Social Production of Space in Postfordist Society and the Art of Studying it". Sociologisk Årbok 2008.

Pelottavat pedot. Megafoni 28.7.2008

Ihminen on kaupunkilainen ja kaupunkilainen asuu kadulla. Megafoni 8.4.2008

This Place on Earth. Datutop 30 Remix. Tampere University of Technology. Autumn 2008

”Documenting the Ordinary – Mobile digital photography as an agent of change in people’s practices concerning storing and sharing of photography”. Kirsti Lehtimäki & Taina Rajanti. Nordichi 2008. Lund, Sweden

Fanien välinen yhteistyö ja luova bisnes. Megafoni 17.7.2007

Madonreiät. Teoksessa Uuden työn sanakirja, toim. Mikko Jakonen, Jukka Peltokoski ja Akseli Virtanen. Tutkijaliitto 2006

Yhdyskuntasuunnittelun toimijat, toiminnaiset ja toimijuudet. (Actors, Actants and Agencies in Urban Planning) Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu 2/2003

The more people there are the better.” Mobility of the Elderly and urban structural resources and limits. Teoksessa Living and “curing” old age in the world, Vol 2: Living Old Age. Western World and Modernization, eds Antonio Guerci and Stefania Consigliere. Genova 2002

Otaniemi – ontologia ei-mistään-kotoisin olemiselle. (Otaniemi – an ontology for coming from nowhere) Teoksessa Espoo – totuus Suomesta, toim. Tuomas Nevanlinna ja Jukka Relander. Tammi 2000

Kaupunki on ihmisen koti. Elämän kaupunkimuodon tarkastelua. Sosiaalipolitiikan väitöskirja. Tutkijaliitto 1999

Käytetty Avaruus. (Secondhand space) Nuori Voima 4 – 5/1999

Macbeth ja pahaenteiset sanat - tragedian logos phobou. (Macbeth and words of ill omen – the logos phobou of tragedy) Nuori Voima 2/1998

The Perfect Community of Hömpstad. Teoksessa The Institutes we live by, eds Matti Hyvärinen ja Kauko Pietilä. University of Tampere. Research Institute for Social Sciences. Publications 17/1997

Puretteko peukaloa meille, herra? (Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?) Nuori Voima 6/1997

Kulttuurin tila Giorgio Agambenin Huoneissa. (The space of culture in Giorgio Agamben’s Stanzas) Nuori Voima 1/1997

Walter Benjaminin elämän ja teosten muisto. (The memory of Walter Benjamin’s life and works) Teoksessa Muistikirja, toim. Kirsti Määttänen ja Tuomas Nevanlinna. Tutkijaliitto. Helsinki 1996

Julkea Hamlet. (Outspoken Hamlet) Nuori Voima 1/1996

Talvinen tarina kulttuurista. (A Cultural Winter’s tale) Tiede & Edistys 2/1995

Kim jest Walter Benjamin? (Who is Walter Benjamin)? Przeglad Socjologiczny TOM XLII. Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe. Lodz 1993

Miksei naisesta voi koskaan tulla filosofia? (Why can’t a woman ever become a philosopher?) Teoksessa Tieteen huolet, arjen ihmeet. Liisa Rantalaihon juhlajulkaisu. Vastapaino. Tampere 1993

"Tässä on minun katuni" - kaupunkilainen elämäntapa Mary Marckin koululaisromaaneissa. (“This is my street” – urban way of life in Mary Marck’s school novels) Tiede & Edistys 2/1993

Paluumatka - akateeminen matkakertomus Amerikasta. (Return journey – an academic travel account from America) Yliopistouutiset No. 22/93

Kultainen Airo. Talouden retoriikka Nietzschen teoksessa "Zur Genealogie des Morals" (The Golden Oar. Rethorics of economy in Nietzsche’s ”Zur Genealogie des Morals”) ARG 3/92

The Law of Babel. In Afterwords, ed Nicholas Royle. Outside books Tampere 1992

"Ja mä sanon mun eläimet": Lapinlahden linnut ja suomalainen mies. (”And I’ll tell my animals”: Lapinlahden linnut and the Finnish man)ARG 4/91

Prostor pisanja. (The Space of Writing) Izraz Februar - Mart 1990. Sarajevo

Miksi SEN on aina oltava äiti? Alkuperän ongelma Marie Cardinalin teoksessa Les Mots pour Le dire. (Why does IT always have to be mother? The problem of origins in Marie Cardinal’s Les Mots pour le dire) Naistutkimus 3/1989

Walter Benjamin: Katse väkijoukkoon. (Walter Benjamin: Eye at the Masses) Synteesi 4/87

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